About Me

Email me at: booksonthebay {at} gmail {dot} com
About Me:

My name is Lynn, I'm a 25 year old law grad and book-lover, proud Nook color owner.

About Books on the Bay:

Books on the Bay was started in February of 2013, although I have been reading, reviewing and blogging about books since probably about 2003.

My Goodread's account dates to the site's opening (2007). Before that I had lists and journals floating around everywhere of all the books I had loved and hated.

About My Reads:

I read mostly fiction, with a fair amount of memoirs (which one day I will learn to spell) and some non-fiction once in a while.

My non-fiction favorites include: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Gang Leader for a Day and The Lexus and the Olive Tree.

My fiction favorites include most contemporary fiction, a substantial amount of horror/true crime/mysteries, occasionally Young Adult novels (well-written ones), and some chick-lit when I'm at the beach.

My favorite memoirs are: The Glass Castle and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

My all time favorite books are: Harry Potter, Bel CantoThe Time Travelers Wife, The Devil All the Time and nearly anything by Chuck Palahniuk, Gillian Flynn or Julie James.

I am always looking for new books to love and new authors to discover.
Feel free to leave your recommendations at any time on any post or email me.
Lynn at booksonthebay {at} gmail {dot} com

1 comment:

  1. 24 year old? Snap (well 23 and a half but who's counting)
    Law student? Snap
    Started blog Feb 2013? Snap

    I have fallen into a fit of giggles.
    It was a pleasure meeting you Lynn. Look forward to reading more of your posts!
