Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: The Very Top of my TBR Pile

This week's Top Ten Tuesday (hosted as always, by The Broke and the Bookish), we're talking our top ten books on the top of our TBR list for Spring 2013. 

I know for many bloggers this will be a lot of books that are coming out this spring. I'm a little OCD with my TBR list though; I almost always have to read things in the order that I added them to my list. The only exception of course, is that series must be read in order and don't have to be read back-to-back. You'll see a number of repeats on here from last week's series to read list. I didn't really get the series phenomenon until I started blogging, but I can't seem to stop now. 


1. Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafon - Shadow of the Wind is really holding me up at the moment. While it's a sweet, interesting story, I'm just not getting into it the way some people have. Although I have heard that it has a fantastic ending, so that might change yet!

2. Dark Lover by J.R. Ward -  I know, I knowwww. This is going to take me forever, the series is crazy long! I'm hoping I love it so it can last forever.

3. Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff

4. Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

5. Graceling by Kristin Cashore


6. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

7. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

8. Requiem by Lauren Oliver - I know so many of you have already read this even though it was just released, but my OCD tendencies say it's gonna have to wait it's turn.

9. In the Woods Tana French - gotta mix it up with some adult contemporary fiction.

10. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare - reading for the series challenge, since I started reading The Mortal Instruments last year as part of my read the books being turned into movies crusade.

What are your top reads this spring?
Anything you think I should break my rules for and bump up?

Share your TTT or a link in the comments so I can scope out new recs!


  1. Yes to Graceling, Daughter of Smoke and Bones, and Shadow and Bone-they are my favorites! :)

  2. Oooh I want to read Tana French sometime soon! She isn't on my spring tbr, but definitnely my summer! =)

    My TTT

  3. Definitely read Daughter of Smoke and Bone (and Days of Blood and Starlight) ASAP! Soooo good! I also loved Graceling, though I have yet to read the companion books. Great sign; I totally second that. ;)

    My TTT

    Randi @ Cardigans, Coffee and Bookmarks

  4. I'm totally not going to even name the books from your list that I love as it's such a fantastic list and most if not all are books that I would want to add to my shelf :D

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday.

    Have a great week!

  5. I looooove Graceling! It was such a great fantasy read :D

    Books of Amber

  6. I'm reading Requiem right now and really enjoying it.

  7. Graceling is great - but Fire is so much better. :)

    And as for Shadow of the Wind? It's definitely a "thinking" read - I adored it because the prose was so beautiful and intentional. And it's totally worth the ending. Sigh. I loved that one. And it has a sequel now, so that's on my list soon!

    1. Also, new follower! Your blog is so cute! :)

  8. Shadow and Bone is on my list too. I'm actually going to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone in the next few weeks, so I didn't bother to put it on the list. great picks! Now following you via GFC, btw. I have (different) TTTs at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Tuesday! :D

  9. I really want to start the Delirium series. It sounds like a really great series. I still haven't seen the books in the bookstores, so I might have to order them. :)
    Anywhoo, enjoy the books you want to read.

    Nina@J'adore Happy Endings

  10. LOL. Mr. Darcy all the way! No one can compete with him. I think I saw that phrase on T-shrit or something.

    Anyway, I loved Paper Valentine! I hope you do to. I also need to read Shadow and Bone. I picked up a copy a week ago, so hopefully I get to it soon. I've not been in the mood for high fantasy lately, though.

    Happy reading :)

  11. I have still not read Dark Lover yet. It's been on the top of my list for years but always gets bumped for something else. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts.

  12. Great list. Some I've read, some are on my Mount TBR and now, it looks like I've found a couple more to add to it.

  13. You absolutely MUST read Shadow and Bone soon, I recommend it to everyone. Graceling, too, is awesome. Great list. :)

  14. I can't wait to read Graceling and Daughter of smoke and bone. I absolutely LOVE Shadow and Bone, definitely read that one as soon as possible.

    I like your blog design. I'm a new follower!
    TTT -Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  15. I totally want to read more Tana French. I started with Broken Harbor last summer, and it was a lot of fun.

  16. I have yet to read Clockwork Angel, too and I also have This Dark Endeavor on my to-read list somewhere. You should read Frankenstein, it is a great, great book. I love it. I haven;t come across The Red Queen and Bloodlands before but they look interesting.

    I so have to read Paper Valentine, Shadow and Bone and Daughter of Smoke and Bone myself. I read City of Ashes and sometimes I itch to start reading City of Glass and I will have to soon.

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

    P.S. Your blog looks great. =D

    1. I totally messed up here, the first paragraph belongs to another post and as my internet decided to freeze up on me, I had to copy it to be on the safe side.

  17. Hopeless... oh Hopeless. I honestly cannot say enough good things about that book. I loved Requiem as well. Most of your TBR is on mine, haha. I love your list.. great picks! Ohhh and I love that sign <3 I completely agree as well, lol.

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  18. Gracling and Daughter are some of my favorite reads ever. You will be so glad to have gotten to them.

  19. Oooooh oooh So many books soooo little time. I wouldn't change a thing to your list but now I want to change mine!

  20. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot Hopeless!! That's one of theb top on my reads. Oh, and if you haven't read Pushing the Limits and/or Dare You To yet, you probably should :D
    Top 10 Tuesdays
    Waiting on Wednesday
